
Neurotracker neurite quanitifcation
Neurotracker neurite quanitifcation

When using it there are 3D balls that get displayed on the screen. The reason for this is that the developers wanted users to be able to use this program in a variety of situations.Įssentially, NeuroTracker is about pairing mental stimulation with physical actions in a three-dimensional space. It can be used on large screens on the wall or on a laptop.

neurotracker neurite quanitifcation

At its core, the program is essentially a video game. The developers have performed several research studies to monitor the benefits of NeuroTracker and say they plan on continuing to improve the program going forward. In fact, the training program is backed by over two decades of neuroscience research at Faubert Lab at the University of Montreal.

neurotracker neurite quanitifcation

The science behind the NeuroTracker is not new. The goal of this training device is to improve cognitive performance and experience real-world benefits in sports and beyond. The company was founded by Jocelyn Faubert, a professor at the University of Montreal. Here we describe assay methods using this fluorescent label, alongside NeuroTrack algorithms, to quantitatively assess changes in neurite morphology over time in either rat primary or human iPSC-derived neuron/astrocyte co-cultures.NeuroTracker is a mental training tool that was first developed back in 2009. Utilising a VSV-G pseudotyped lentivirus that encodes a red fluorescent protein (mKate2) driven off a synapsin promoter, neuronal expressionis strengthened and non-neuronal crossover is minimized. As such, we have developed a fluorescent reagent (NeuroLight Red) that specifically labels neurons in co-culture with astrocytes.

neurotracker neurite quanitifcation

However, in co-cultures containing neurons and astrocytes, neuronal processes cannot be unambiguously identified and measured using phase images alone.

neurotracker neurite quanitifcation

We have previously developed a quantitative mono-culture approach for investigating changes in neurite length and ranching using phase images taken with an IncuCyte ZOOM live-content imaging platform in conjunction with NeuroTrack analysis software. An ideal method to track neurite dynamics would allow continuous automated measurement of structural parameters, including length and number of branch points, in a non-perturbing manner. Neurite dynamics can be altered in disease states or following exposure to neurotoxic agents providing a rationale for understanding and quantifying this process (Conforti et al., 2007).

Neurotracker neurite quanitifcation